Dec 4, 2019
You are what you think! What is your identity? Are you really living the life you want? Do you have beliefs that are limiting your ability to create new healthy habits? Maybe it’s time to change your identity and stop trying to negotiate with yourself! Listen in as we talk about being All-In.
“You can’t change a habit until you change your identity.”
By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram In this Pod, we talked about:“Heck I even had to take out the dog at 8:00 vs. 11:00. I even had to change my dog’s identity!”
“The way I understand it is–and I defer to any brain scientists out there–but the lower brain…”
“I’m sure there’s many of them listening to this podcast.”
“That may not be our demographic… we’re more the lazy lizard demographic.”
“If you can’t just dive in then you need to take that baby step. That little leap of faith, and then you’ll take that bigger leap on faith!”
“Yeah I like that, a baby step based on YOU.”
Links in this Episode:Get some very Inspiring Meditations on The Inspired Action Podcast App (available in iTunes store and Google Play)
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