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Inspired Action

Dec 6, 2019

Are you a fan of muddy water? The relationship between Earth and Water could get messy, but it doesn’t have to be! Earths love the excitement that Waters bring into their lives, and Waters can enjoy being guided by an Earth’s support. What happens when Waters become too unpredictable, and Earths become too analytical you ask? Come jump into our dirty, muddy, Earth Water episode!

“Earths love the excitement and variability that water has to offer”

By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram In this Pod, we talked about:
  • How Earths and Waters get along (or not)
Thought Quotes:

“Earths love the intrigue and want to dig deep to get to know those Waters.“

“Earths tend to plan and be predictable and Waters tend not to plan too much.“

“If Earth tries to keep their Water in a box… alright let’s just say in a bowl, who keeps Water in a box? A box of wine maybe–that’s their special Water!”

Links in this Episode:

The Energy of Love by Leta Herman and Jaye McElroy

The Inspired Action Podcast App (available in iTunes store and Google Play)

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