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Inspired Action

Jun 28, 2021

Get vigilant with your own mind and use your anxiety for good!

“Anxiety is such a buzz word right now… It’s this idea that we can take action to control our own minds and use this vigilance that anxiety requires to stop the negative self-talk.”

By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter,

Jun 21, 2021

Become the Sage and live free from the structure of society, like a child. Empty yourself of yourself and live curiously.

“What if the quality of life was to simplify the way we live. It’s like walking in the footsteps that are already there in front of you. That is called the Wu Wei, being in the zone, the...

Jun 14, 2021

Are you living your life to live or living to die? Listen in as we discuss the die before you die theory and more. This Daoist form of enlightenment is fascinating.

“The importance of immortality isn’t about living forever, it’s about the state of mind of not living to die. It’s about embracing the effervescence...

Jun 7, 2021

Are you too attached to your mental woobie blanket? Are you too rigid to know that you are too rigid?

We are living as Alchemists in our own lives. As such, we always reserve the right to change our minds as our minds change us.

By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram In this Pod, we...