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Inspired Action

Dec 22, 2022

Is your heart wrapped in tentacles of old pain(s)? What are these tentacles? How can you release them? Leta and Jaye discuss some of the the concepts of freeing these tentacles so that your heart can be free!

“Are you free to do life the way you want to OR are you changing your life–radically or subtly–in ways that make your heart no longer be free to be you?”

By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram A Kraken…a Ball of Twine…A Tentacle, Oh My!
  • Give Pod 54 a listen if you want to hear Jaye talk about The Kraken
  • Your shiny new bike was stolen…NOW WHAT?!
  • What do we tell ourselves we have “learned” from the “bad” things that happened to us?
  • Each Element has different experiences of how heart tentacles are formed and how they can be removed…more on that in the coming episodes!
  • What do the Heart Tentacles and the Seven Deadly Sins have in common?
  • The Trials of Lü Dongbin
  • Tentacle Types: Lack versus Control
  • Visit Pod 29 to learn about how the Ghost Points can help with tentacles of the heart
Thought Quote:

“We are actually meant to follow a path and have passion in our lives, that’s what this part of alchemy that we’re studying here is all about…getting you back in touch with your passions so that you can feel inspired to act on your inspirations.”

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